- 8000 Hwy 12, Unit A3 Orillia, Ontario, Canada, L3V 7W7
- osmadmin@sportsmedicine.on.ca
- 705.325.2200
OA Program
Orillia Sports Medicine is proud to present an 8-week educational and active rehabilitation program specifically designed for individuals experiencing stiffness in the knees and hips due to osteoarthritis. The program includes Osteoarthritis Educational Sessions and Neuromuscular Exercise.
Participants in the program have reported experiencing less pain, a decreased need for painkillers, fewer sick days, and increased physical activity. Additionally, the program helps patients learn strategies to manage their pain and foster an active lifestyle.
Also available:
Manual Therapy, Anti-Inflammatory Education, Nutritional & Supplement Counselling, OA Bracing Education, Orthopaedic Guided Viscosupplementation.