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Graston Technique

One important aspect of Graston Technique that distinguishes it from other soft tissue techniques is the incorporation of tools to accomplish the desired treatment effects.

There are six tools, made of high-quality stainless steel, that are each machined with a specialized beveled edge for effective treatment. Each tool is shaped in a specific way to accommodate various body structures. An all-natural emollient is applied to the treatment area to reduce tool friction against the skin and to help the clinician detect lesions more efficiently.

The principle behind Graston Technique is to create a local inflammatory response in the area being treated. There are a variety of “strokes” used on the body part with the tools. The localized inflammatory reaction produced helps to promote the body to reabsorb scar tissue and adhesions contributing to the injury. Basic protocol dictates that the area first be treated generally (i.e. with one of the larger tools), then smaller tools are used to “zone in” on the area in question. The specificity of these tools combined with the clinician’s contact help create the required response in the tissue.


  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Neck Pain
  • TMJ
  • Upper and Lower Back Pain
  • Hip or Groin Pain
  • Hamstring or Quadricep Pain and Tightness
  • Knee Pain
  • Ankle Pain
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Shoulder/Rotator Cuff Pain
  • Tennis or Golfer's Elbow
  • Wrist Pain and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Finger/Toe Pain
  • Numbness/Tingling in Extremities
  • Other acute and chronic injuries involving the formation of scar tissue


Patients often report an increase in range of motion with a decrease in pain symptoms after each treatment. As well, strength, speed and muscle endurance are positively affected. Graston Technique makes an attractive adjunct therapy to the chiropractic adjustment and is also effective on its own, requiring only minutes to achieve the desired result. For more information, please visit the Graston Techniques website.