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At Orillia Sports Medicine, we are committed to the health and safety of our clients and staff. We are proud to announce that we have introduced AGent Plus Solutions to our cleaning regimen, for an enhanced layer of protection and a safer environment for everyone!

WHY AGent Plus?

AGent Plus Solutions® has employed the antimicrobial properties of silver and antifungal properties of copper to create a unique combination that significantly reduces the presence of bacteria, germs, fungus and odours (99.9% reduction of SARS-CoV-2 at a 3 min. contact time). It acts as both a CLEANER and a PROTECTANT, by harnessing the power of copper and silver. For thousands of years, SILVER has been known to be a powerful antimicrobial used to ward off bacteria that cause illness, produce odour and cause products to spoil. Similarly, COPPER has been recognized for its ability to help prevent fungus and was used by many ancient civilizations for safely storing food and beverage.

AGent+ Advantages:

  • Advanced patented formula
  • Utilizes the power and benefits of Copper and Silver
  • Prevents cross contamination
  • Eliminates MRSA, STAPH, E. Coli, other bacteria and germs
  • Provides continuous protection for up to 3 days!
  • Eliminates odour and fungus
  • High efficiency electrostatic sprayer
  • No rinsing required

You can feel safe visiting our clinic with the added protection of AGent+ Solutions! Book an appointment today!

Note: Some content and pictures obtained from AGent+ website.