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Sports Medicine has closed its facilities ‪until March 30th.‬⁣⁣The Ontario Physiotherapy Association and the Canadian Physiotherapy Association support the recommendations by Public Health authorities to optimize social distancing. The OPA & CPA therefore recommends that physiotherapists and physiotherapist assistants providing services in the community only do so to address patients with urgent needs. Those patients whose care and services can be postponed, or can be provided virtually, we strongly recommend doing so until at least ‪after March 30th.‬ ⁣⁣The College of Chiropractors have issued a release, “The CCO recommends that all non-essential (except for emergency/acute) chiropractic services be suspended immediately”.⁣ ⁣We recognize that these are exceptional times that require exceptional measures aimed to reduce the spread of the virus and to reduce the demand on the health system. In an effort to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and also following the above recommendations, Sports Medicine has closed its facilities ‪until March 30th.‬ We trust that you understand our decision and look forward to seeing you soon. Stay healthy & safe! ⁣⁣