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Orillia Sports Medicine staff had a busy weekend at the Orillia Games! Here are some highlights. ⁣⁣

👉🏼Physio Nick covered hockey ⁣

👉🏼RMT Danielle Cyr was at curling ⁣

👉🏼Sports Chiro Dr. Jason Porr & EMS Ryan Allan represented OSM at Wushu! ⁣

👉🏼Dr.Michelle Laframboise, Sports Chiro & Chair of the medical committee at the polyclinic, was leading the day for all medical staff⁣

👉🏼Our medics were at ringette ⁣

👉🏼Physio Richard & ND Dr. Kaleigh Gawn were at wrestling.

👉🏼Physio Ivanka at squash

👉🏼RMT Lindsay covered badminton⁣

👉🏼Chiro Dr. Adam Murphy covered badminton & futsal

Even OSM mini medical volunteers were out to help with the Ontario winter games! ⁣What a fantastic weekend! Thank you to all our staff who assisted with the games. Great job everyone.